Shake your bun bun
Looking for the ideal patty to go with your bun? There are several places where you can satisfy your burger cravings and have a filling meal. The gastropub Staunton's returned in June after being forced to shut down due to the pandemic in 2021 and now offers more innovative dishes. Said owner Vinay Kapoor: "The return of Staunton's marks a new, hopeful
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新開西餐廳 從食物感受異國風情
想感受異國風情,唔一定要飛去外國,近日有多間西餐廳登場,每間都包含自己地區的地道或創意風味,想感受外國風情止旅行癮,一於去食番餐喇! 北歐的簡約生活態度令人嚮往,當地的烹調風格亦富特色,灣仔新北歐料理現代小館aera選用天然時令食材,再融入北歐料理手法如醃漬、煙熏、風乾和發酵等技巧加以創作,
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First Look: Staunton’s Returns with a Fresh Gastropub Experience in Soho
It’s easy to spot Staunton’s when riding uphill through the Central to Mid-Levels escalator. The two-storey building situated on the corner of Staunton and Shelley Street is known to many as a Soho icon since it was originally opened in
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2nd July weekend parties, drinking and happenings in Hong Kong
Celebrate the 2nd July weekend in Hong Kong with parties, drinks, and unforgettable moments. Experience the vibrant nightlife, from rooftop soirees to trendy bars, and join the exhilarating atmosphere that creates lasting
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7. Watching Parties for Wimbledon’s 2023 Championships at Newly Re-opened Staunton’s in Central
In the SoHo neighborhood, Staunton’s, the reigning gastropub, has made a grand comeback to its namesake street corner, right next to the Hong Kong Mid-Levels escalator. Keeping
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The Legendary SoHo Gastropub Staunton's Re-opens with New Team & Menu
Staunton’s, a SoHo icon that first opened in 1997, has returned under new management, bringing a new menu and experience to the neighbourhood and nostalgia for all. Located on the corner of Staunton and Shelley Street
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Watch Wimbledon At Staunton’s
Head to the recently revamped SoHo gastropub for a celebratory Wimbledon feast as you follow the tennis tournament on Staunton’s state-of-the-art big screens. Get into the sporting spirit with a serving of Strawberries with Fresh Cream and Mint Sugar, best washed down with a jug of fruity Pimms. Combining two crow
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Wimbledon Viewing and Dining at Staunton’s Gastropub
Revived and renewed SoHo icon, Staunton’s gastropub, will serve up a celebratory Wimbledon feast worthy of The Royal Box. Spanning snacks, mains and desserts, it’s game, set, match at Staunton’s this summer. From 3 – 16 July, guests can take in the annual British tennis tournament on
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香港SOHOのガストロパブ「Staunton's」 新オーナーの下で復活へ
香港の士丹頓街にあるレストランとして知られてきた「Staunton's (スタントンズ)」(G/F & 1/F, 10-12 Staunton Street SoHo TEL 2739 3666)が6月5日、新経営陣の下で復活し、リニューアルオープンした。
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香港SOHOのガストロパブ「Staunton's」 新オーナーの下で復活へ
香港の士丹頓街にあるレストランとして知られてきた「Staunton's (スタントンズ)」(G/F & 1/F, 10-12 Staunton Street SoHo TEL 2739 3666)が6月5日、新経営陣の下で復活し、リニューアルオープンした。店がある通
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Best new restaurants in Hong Kong 2023 worth knowing about: Staunton’s reopens in Soho
First opened in 1997, the iconic Staunton’s has finally returned after its hiatus since 2021. Operating under new management, Staunton’s offers light-hearted gastropub fare
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New Restaurants: Where to eat and drink in Hong Kong (June 2023)
It opened, it closed, and now it’s open again—Staunton’s makes a comeback under new management, but the British gastropub-inspired concept remains the same. Since 1997, this icon on the corner of Staunton Street and Shelley Street has served
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Staunton’s新裝重開 英式藝術外牆成SOHO新地標
始於1997年的SoHo地標酒吧Staunton’s經裝修重整,由新管理層帶領回歸。 Staunton’s位於士丹頓街與些利街交界街角,提供兩層寬敞而悠閑的用餐空間。 Staunton’s主打英式美食,打破大眾對英國美食沙漠的迷思,由經典的Brick Lane咖哩到必食的 香腸薯蓉(HK$168), 還有融合港式元素的
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Staunton’s bar and restaurant in Hong Kong reopens under new management with blessings from the former owner
Originally opened in 1997, Staunton’s bar was a SoHo stalwart that succumbed during the fifth wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in Hong Kong
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